Some Kind of “Victory”

by Rant on August 17, 2006

in Politics@Rant, World Affairs

Iraq’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Syria’s leader, Bashar al-Asad, among others have proclaimed that Hezbollah won their war with Israel. Funny how they denied being involved and denied being behind the attack that started this latest round of violence, but once it’s over they declare victory.

Apparently, from what I’m reading, a large number of Arabs feel the same way.

Maybe it’s just me, but after getting their asses kicked by a very strong military, and great amounts of damage being inflicted on Lebanon, especially on the civilian population, it seems — what’s the word — disingenuous, dishonest, audacious? — to declare “victory.” How can bringing that much damage and destruction on Lebanon qualify as a victory?

Sure, Hezbollah put up a surprisingly strong fight. But in the end, they didn’t take any ground from the Israelis. The Israelis managed to fight their way in and take ground from Hezbollah. At the end of the day, even though Hezbollah may have put up a good fight, it seems more like they lost than won. Yeah, they scored PR points in some parts of the world by launching attacks from civilian areas and then screaming bloody murder when the Israelis hit back. But only a coward hides amongst the civilians. If they were truly brave, they would have met the Israelis face to face, out in the open.

To proclaim victory when all around is destruction seems ludicrous. Before he became leader of Syria, Bashar al-Asad was an ophthalmologist in London. If he can see a Hezbollah victory in neighboring Lebanon, perhaps he needs to have his vision checked.

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