Of Isotopes and Isomers

by Rant on October 5, 2006 · 3 comments

in Doping in Sports, Floyd Landis

Note: If you’re looking for the discussion of the Ferret documents, click here.

I’ve seen a few discussions of the Landis case lately where the participants were unsure whether CIR refers to Carbon Isotope Ratio or Carbon Isomer Ratio. There’s quite a difference between isotopes and isomers, so let’s go over what each one is.

An isotope is a variant of an element, such as carbon. The most common form of carbon, carbon12, contains 6 protons and 6 neutrons. The number of protons in an element determines which one it is. Carbon has 6 protons, so it is element #6 in the “Periodic Table” familiar to physicists, chemists and other scientists. But there are a couple of variants of carbon that have one or two extra neutrons. Still chemically the same, but the atoms are a bit heavier than the most common form. Those variants are carbon13 and carbon14, respectively.

Carbon14 is somewhat radioactive and is used in determining the age of materials, because it breaks down to carbon12 at a known rate. This means that over time, there is less carbon14 than when the compound was new, and the amount of the difference can be used to get an approximation of the age. Carbon14 dating is very useful for archaeologists in determining the age of items discovered at archaeological dig sites.

An isomer is a compound that has the same chemical formula as another compound, but it has a different shape. Propanol and Isopropanol, which are both alcohols, would be good examples. They both have the same chemical formula: C3H8OH. The part that makes these compounds alcohols is the OH group, an oxygen atom attached to carbon atom, where the oxygen atom has a hydrogen atom attached as well.

This group can be attached at either end of the three-carbon chain or it can be attached to the middle carbon. Propanol (CH3CH2CH2OH) has the OH attached to the end, and Isopropanol (CH3CH(OH)CH3) has the OH attached to the middle. This gives the two compounds some slightly different properties and also different shapes.

Hopefully, I haven’t lost anyone yet.

So, back to CIR, which is it: isotope or isomer? The answer is isotope. CIR (also called IRMS) measures the relative amount of carbon13 in a compound compared to a reference compound. The idea is that when compared to a reference hormone, the hormone you’re testing should have a certain difference in the percentage of carbon13, and if the difference exceeds a certain threshold, the hormone you’re testing is believed to come from outside the body.

In theory, hormones made within the body will have a certain percentage of carbon13 and that percentage is consistent. Synthetic hormones made outside the body will have a different percentage of carbon13. We’ll get back to this in a moment.

Now here’s where it gets tricky for the Landis case. The reference hormones used in the WADA protocols are materials created by the breakdown of cortisone in the body. If you recall, Floyd Landis had a therapeutic use exemption (TUE) for cortisone due to his hip condition.

But what that means is that the reference hormones for Landis, in part, contained material that was produced synthetically. And this is a very important consideration, because when measuring the relative difference between the percentage of carbon13 in the reference and the percentage of carbon13 in the testosterone from Landis’ urine sample, the variation could be different than had he not been taking cortisone.

The picture gets complicated a bit further (what else is new?) because it turns out that WADA themselves have research indicating that diet can have an effect on the amount of carbon13 in compounds produced within the body. Compounds like, say, testosterone.

OK, so there’s a number of variables at play here that could explain the Landis result. Rumor has it that Landis’ test result was 3.9, where a positive result is deemed to be anything exceeding a difference of 3. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a true positive, just that WADA thinks it’s so.

The factors affecting the amount of carbon13 in the reference hormones, combined with factors that may affect the amount of carbon13 in Landis’ testosterone (factors like diet, alcohol intake, and so on) may account for his result. It’s hard to say. Perhaps this will be part of the defense whenever the arbitration hearing is held.

Mr. Ferret, if you’re reading, perhaps you can find us some of the pages from the CIR/IRMS studies, too? They would make interesting reading, and shed even more light on the case.

But let’s loop back to the isotope versus isomer question in regard to testing. There appear to be a number of mitigating factors that can affect the amount of carbon13 in various hormones, which perhaps makes the current testing inadequate or unable to reliably tell whether a person is doping.

There is another way. And that involves isomers, of a sort. You see, when the body makes hormones, it makes them in specific shapes so that they will combine with the appropriate receptors and do whatever it is they’re supposed to do. And because it builds these hormones from the same compounds in the same ways, it produces the same shapes very consistently.

And that’s important for the following reason: The hormones fit the receptors the same way a key fits a lock. Use the wrong key, the lock won’t open. Wrong shape for the hormone and it doesn’t fit the receptor, which makes the hormone useless.

Now when hormones are made synthetically, you wind up with some that are the right shape and some that are different shapes. The reasons are complicated, so I won’t go into them here. And often, it is very hard (or too expensive) to separate the different forms.

So with synthetic testosterone, some of what is in there is of a shape that doesn’t fit the testosterone receptors. If there were a method for testing the shapes of the testosterone, you would have a more reliable test. Not perfect, because it’s still possible that the body could create some isomers of the hormone that don’t fit the receptors, but determining the natural rate of that production could be part of the testing process (if necessary by creating a bank of normal values for each individual). The test then could be used to see if the athlete had too much of these isomers, which would perhaps be a better indicator of doping than the CIR/IRMS test.

So to bring this full circle, the people asking about whether the test was of isotopes or isomers were on the right track, they just didn’t know it. Why hasn’t an isomer test been developed? Well, to go back to yesterday’s discussion, my guess is that it would not be cheap and would require highly skilled personnel — exactly the opposite of what WADA wanted to accomplish with the test for testosterone.

Is this something that WADA should look into? Absolutely. To make testing “foolproof” they need to develop tests that can truly differentiate between naturally occuring hormones and synthetically manufactured hormones. Right now the testing process (as someone else observed) might better be called “fools proof.”

Thomas A. Fine October 6, 2006 at 6:57 am

Hi Rant,

It’s even more complicated than that. Many of the compounds we are dealing with here are
not just isomers, they’re stereoisomers. Not only do they have the same chemical formula,
they also have the exact structure of connections. Then how are they different? They
differ only in their spatial layout. For example, if one molecule is an exact mirror image of
another, their chemical formula is the same AND the connections between molecules are
also the same, but they are spatially different. These are called enantiomers. Then
there are diastereomers, which are not mirror images — generally one part that is connected
the same juts forward in one molecule and backward in another, even though that part is
connected to the same atom.

The metabolites of testosterone that are tested, androsterone and etiocholanolone, are
diasteromers. The drawings of these two compounds looks exactly the same, except
that in one of them, a Hydrogen atom sticks out above the plane of the molecule (which
we can pretend is otherwise more or less flat), and in another the atom sticks out below
the plane of the molecule. Same formula, same structure, different spatial orientation.

So what this means is that they can in fact distinguish between different isomers, and
even different diastereomers, because they have to in order to do different isotope tests
on the two different metabolites.

I’m not aware of any studies that link particular ratios of these two metabolites (or any others)
to natural versus synthetic production. Even if there were, I’m not sure that the techniques
used to separate the different compounds can reliably maintain the concentrations well enough
to measure the difference.

Basically, I wouldn’t trust a test based on isomerism any more than one based on isotopes,
unless repeated experiments could show results at least an order of magnitude more consistent
than the experiments behind the isotope test.


Rant October 6, 2006 at 7:40 pm


Right you are. I left out the stereoisomerism and the enantiomerism because I didn’t want it to get so complicated that the average reader’s eyes would glaze over. Thanks for your addition, it’s a good synopsis. The type of test I have in mind would actually look for stereoisomerism and enantiomerism to determine what was natural and what was suspect. One aspect of both of these types of isomerism is that when light is passed through the variants of a particular compound, it is refracted to a greater or lesser degree in one direction or another. By judging the degree of refraction and to which side, you theoretically can determine whether a sample is pure, or whether it has multiple forms of a compound. Since, in theory, the human body produces a pure sample, or pretty close, the variation from the known degree of refraction for testosterone could be an indication of how much impurity is there, relatively speaking. How expensive it would be, and how accurate it would be is something that I’ll leave for those more knowledgeable than myself. Thanks for your additions, most appreciated.

– Rant

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