Meet The Bickermans

by Rant on March 28, 2008 · 24 comments

in Doping in Sports

At some point, you have to wonder: What are the warning signs of of an impending cycling apocalypse? Over the recent past, various stories have come out that taken individually don’t amount to a whole lot — other than illustrating just how warped those in control of the sport can be. Taken together, however, a disturbing pattern seems to be emerging.

The vampires who showed up for a surprise, out-of-competition test on Kevin Van Impe, while he and his wife were dealing with the loss of a newborn infant is, perhaps, the tackiest thing that’s happened in anti-doping land in quite a while. It ranks right up there with a tester showing up after Floyd Landis’ father-in-law’s unfortunate and untimely passing. Do the officials in charge of such things not think about what it is they are asking their staff to do, and the humiliation and pain they may inflict on others in their zealous efforts to ensure that no one is doping? Do they care?

Or, as someone put it during the McCarthy era, “Have you no shame?”

Further proof that those at the top of the cycling world have not a clue about the impact of their actions is the latest dust-up over the UCI suing Dick Pound. Cycling’s governing body is going after Biggus Richardus for disparaging statements made about the UCI’s commitment to fighting the scourge of doping within the sport. Pound is a loud-mouthed blowhard who loves the sound of his own voice and relishes the attention his verbal clusterbombs brings. And, he cares not a whit as to what the impact of his pontifications might be on other people.

Some of what he says can even be quite humorous, when looked at from the right perspective. None of what he said in the past about individual athletes has ever really helped the fight against doping, and much of what he said brought more negative attention to the World Anti-Doping Agency than positive. Pound bears no small amount of responsibility for how the whole anti-doping system is perceived.

Holding him to account may serve a good purpose. But why now? Why not before? Is it because he’s no longer at the helm of WADA? Does that make him a better/easier target in certain people’s eyes? Surely, Pat McQuaid and the UCI knew that if the comments in question were made in Pound’s official capacity that WADA might well be contractually bound to defend the man, no matter what the current administration might think of him or his past behavior. I can’t imagine that Pat McQuaid is that naive. Is he? (On second thought…) Didn’t McQuaid and his band of merry men (and women) think about the impact their actions might have. Again, apparently not. As an article over on reports:

“In light of the UCI’s attack on WADA, we now find a partnership with the UCI untenable and will therefore initiate dialogue with other sports in order to advance the Athlete’s Passport project,” said WADA President John Fahey.

UCI president Pat McQuaid responded to Cyclingnews while at the track championships in Manchester. “It is very surprising from our point of view that they should take this view. We haven’t done anything against WADA, we have no case against WADA. This is against Dick Pound. We are protecting the position of the UCI against any future liability should his claims be accepted, that the UCI did nothing or did very little in the fight against doping.”

While disingenuously claiming that their beef is with Pound and not WADA, the UCI honchos express shock and disbelief that the anti-doping agency might withdraw their support of the biological passport. Really? You didn’t see that coming? All I can say is “Mr. Titt, meet Mr. Tatt.” Still, the UCI will press on:

“From our point of view, we are still committed to the biological passport,” said McQuaid. “This is a knee-jerk reaction from WADA and I hope that in the coming days with some consideration they might take a slightly different view.

“It may take us a bit longer to introduce it now if they are not going to be actively involved in it, but we will press ahead.”

According to the CyclingNew article, WADA’s contribution would have been a relatively modest $200,000 out of a planned budget of closer to $7.5 million (at today’s current exchange rates euro vs. US dollar). Apparently some researcher or scientist will now be out of a job, at least as McQuaid tells it to CyclingNews. This is, however, just the latest in a series of financial setbacks for the program.

Although back in October the organizers of the three Grand Tours also agreed to chip in on the expense of the biological passport program, they have backed out of their financial commitments due to a little disagreement over the ProTour and who gets to decide which teams race. Sound eerily familiar? Though the article doesn’t suggest just how much the Grand Tour organizers were on the hook for, the implication is that it may have been more than WADA. Certainly, the organizers have a bigger stake in cycling and the sport’s future than WADA does.

At some point, you have to wonder: Does the UCI even have the money to pay for the program, or will it crash and burn due to inadequate financial resources? Right now, given the bickering that’s going on, there’s a real possibilty that the UCI’s biological passport program may not make it. That would truly be a shame, as it’s one of the more innovative approaches to combating doping that’s emerged in the last several years (thanks in no small part to the work of the Agency for Cycling Ethics and others).

It all seems to fit into a pattern. In the never-ending struggle for who controls the sport and the money to be made, it’s the cyclists, the fans and the sport that suffers. All of these players will continue to collect their paychecks, no matter whether there’s a Tour de France or a Tour de Podunk. At some point, either the sport will move away from those who seek to dominate it, or it will just whither away and die.

Things are rapidly approaching the point of no return, at least in the upper stratospheres. Joe Lindsey, over at The Boulder Report, has the right idea: Stop. Now. Someone has to put an end to the squabbling that threatens to destroy the sport. On the other hand, maybe all this squabbling will just destroy those doing the squabbling. If that’s the case, perhaps cycling will weather the storm, and a certain bunch of hard-headed myopic power freaks will be cast by the wayside. One can only hope.

Morgan Hunter March 29, 2008 at 2:28 am


Patterns…did you say “patterns?” (tongue in cheek) – Aw mi gawd! Pal – you are skating on “thin” ice here fella…you do know of course that looking for patterns is a typical “conspiracy theorist” failing? Man, I hope you realize what a tank of sharks you have dived into..?

Now on to a more “realistic” response to your new assertions. Are you implying Rant, that certain “governing bodies” are setting up things so that an actual viable means of collecting verifiable scientific data drops dead because they don’t want it to survive? I am amazed and shocked, shocked and amazed too.

I cannot understand your “attack” on bureaucratic robots – “simply following orders?” Is it possible Rant, that you may have some deep seated prejudice for blood collecting vampires? Have you “discussed” this in therapy? The fact that you take such a firm stance in your commentary about these “hard working bureaucratic robots” simply following orders, is in my opinion, at the very least, interpretively biased, if not merely showing a lack of sympathy for said robots. It is at this point that I find myself closing in on the state of shock that I mentioned before. Are you implying that a “governing body” must exhibit basic human tendencies? What an outrageous expectation! I am shocked.

As to what “amazes me” about your article. What “amazes me” most is your “innuendo laced” attack on Herr Dickie Pound and that you find yourself “undecided” as to the motivations behind the UCIs’ call for a proper lynching, AFTER he was no longer under the “protective umbrella” of employment.” I am also confused here, because it seems the most obviously logical response from WADA is to circle the “wagons” – to protect one of their own? Are you implying that the “interested governing parties” involved will be free to let good idea fall by the wayside? As you can see – I am befuddled. Do you not realize Sir that you are discussing the possible next “appointed” president of the IOC?

So let me restate what I implied before – I find myself shocked, amazed, confused and befuddled – by your present comments. Are you saying that there may actually be the hope that the involved governing bodies consume each other and that cycling will continue? WELL SIR! – I put to you – who is going to do all the good work that these entities perform today after their mutual consumption? I am left speechless, really, agape in wonderment. One would think that cycling would actually still exist – minus these much tauted organizations – Have you consideration sir? Can you not see the trauma that the poor rider will have to go through not having their thoughts occupied with “when will I get busted?” As I say – I am speechless.

Your admiring reader who is now shocked, amazed, confused, befuddled and also nearly speechless…really….I mean that.

Rant March 29, 2008 at 5:00 am

You know, I should probably find a better word for those who collect the samples. Wouldn’t want to offend any real vampires. 😉

Russ March 29, 2008 at 6:19 am

As a regular reader of your links from TBV, well said!

When you consider part of your quoted source from above:
“In light of the UCI’s attack on WADA, we now find a partnership with the UCI untenable” and the pressure from the teams and riders and race organizers, one might think UCI is surrounded! The bunker mentality is starting to show by the circle the wagons approach which WADA is also taking.

Seems, when you think back to the discussions about TV revenues and UCI’s desire for a bigger piece of that pie, an observation could be drawn that their greed and the repercussions there from are starting to consume them.

As to their disregard for the to be tested riders situations, I wonder if it is in fact intentional as a signal that their professional(?) ego doth rage onward.

karuna March 29, 2008 at 7:01 am

With this next “˜move’ in WADA/UCI/ASO “˜power/money/honor/too big ego’s/no clue what’ circle I am starting to get great difficulty to take them seriously.
All of them.
I think I am not clever enough to understand.
Especially the “˜honor thing’ that seems to play its part here I find out of order under these circumstances.

What the UCI is trying to accomplish with its move at this time is already a blur to me.
Okay, maybe it’s not SO bad that someone raises a legal hand to another shooting their head of instead of shooting back.
But like Rant says: the timing!?
And then the reaction of the WADA. How much more overreaction can you get?
At least, that my idea of it, an overreaction.

Like I said, right now I can’t get my head around it and think pretty “˜down to earth’:
this is hysterical and destructive.
Luckily every now and then, something constructive comes out of hysteria and destruction.
Like: when the WADA takes its hands of the biological passport maybe the UCI consults scientist that hold on to the highest scientific standards.
And: maybe the organizers which kept their money in their pockets will come with money. Because they want the biological passport in place.
I can hope!!
It could also be ammunition for the guns of the ASO saying: it’s the fault of the UCI that the biological passport is not in place, the UCI is worthless.

Morgan Hunter March 29, 2008 at 7:42 am

Rant – as ever – you are an individual who is aware of the least possibility to besmirching the honor of an individual or group. It’s one of your fine points of character that I like about you…In this case – I am very certain that Vampires the world over – realize and forgive you because it is understandably derived from the heated passion of the moment…Although……am I correct that you are still a “category racer?” — Watch your back fella….

Karuna – may I offer a bit of “solace” in your weary and depressed state of mind? – Well – just think of this part of the “circus” as if you were watching a boxing match, eh? By the way – you don’t have to like boxing to get this…the important thing to remember Karuna, most of the “punches” that are thrown are just lead ups to a good KO. Oh, some “taps” may draw blood – but that is what we want to see, no? (TIC)…I think we are merely seeing a lot of “jabs” and some will be successful while others are just letting the “other guy know” that the opponent is still in the ring with him…

Have you been watching the WM – World Track Championship in England – Pretty intense racing…it seems that bicycle racing is still going on – in fact – I think we are going to see some truly good racing…there are a lot of “pissed off” cyclist out there…and to be realistic – the riders need to “let it out” – although…I do worry about their “levels” – Do you know if it is true that racers are “Type A” personalities? – Have you heard anything of the “rumor” that what the US is shipping over as “food” to China, is all to be presealed in plastic tubes? – NOW – we are going to know for sure if the NASA astronauts are doping or not! (TIC) (;-)))

ludwig March 29, 2008 at 9:10 am

You can insult Pound all you want, but he is one of the few figures of leadership in this whole mess that has demonstrated honesty and integrity. When Pound speaks at least we can be confident he means what he says and says what he means.

The doping problem is not caused by bickering organizations. The doping problem is caused by the built-in incentive to dope in cycling. The whole essence of why the UCI is so non-functional is that they won’t do anything constructive to deal with the problem, either due to incompetence or a lack of will.

Rant March 29, 2008 at 9:39 am

I don’t doubt that Dick Pound says what’s on his mind and means what he says. But I do believe that some of his actions have done the anti-doping cause more harm than good. Pound’s leadership over the years in a mixed bag. Certainly, he brought together the resources to create WADA. But his creation is far from perfect, and there are things within the system he created that need to be changed for the better.
The point about the bickering organizations is not to suggest that they have caused the doping problem in cycling or any other sport. The point is that the lack of cohesion, the incompetence in certain quarters, and the inability to constructively deal with cycling’s problems is what is wrong in the world of cycling today. Fighting each other over money and power is the same-old, same-old, and it ignores the things that need to be addressed. Focusing on the wrong things, rather than the right things, is what causes the most damage of all. At least, that’s my opinion, for what it’s worth.

karuna March 29, 2008 at 10:50 am


LOL, I was while reading your last comment!!
So you did a great job lifting my depressed state of mind. I have a vivid imagination so I could actually see it “in front of me”, so to speak.
Looking at it as a game, wise words for sure.
Wise words like:
Why worry about a problem?
When you can solve a problem than just do so
If it can’t be solved by you than it is of no use to worry about it.
I don’t know who said it, I am very bad with remembering things like that (sorry, I am ashamed like I should), for sure a wiser person than me,
but it’s true.
And this can’t be solved by me, so let’s think but not worry or get weary about it :).

Yes I am following the WM. Great racing isn’t it?
Of course I am also a little biased because we (Dutch) have a little sized giant like Marianne Vos.
She is doing the preparation herself with her own team of trainers etc, so no help of any official team or the KNWU (cycling union Netherlands). I truly hope that her “˜levels’ are not influenced by anything but training, sleep and good nutrition.
But it is enjoyment of high quality.

Racers being “˜Type A’ personalities. Hmmm interesting question.
I find the psychology of sport and riders very interesting. I would almost say: don’t get me going on that topic, it’s my field of expertise, so of course I find (still) it one of the most underestimated side of sport.
A question like: is there a personality type that is more likely to dope than another is something I could chat on with great enthusiasm.
But that was not your question.
The central part of the “˜Type A’ personality as it is seen nowadays is the low self esteem and the way that person is trying to “fix” that. The hard working/being busy is THE way of trying to “˜feel good about themselves’. To get the feeling of worthiness.
Since the thought patterns (as I like to call them) of unworthiness are most of the time unconscious the “fixing” will only be temporarily and the actual problem (thoughts of unworthiness) is not addressed so it will keep them going on and on.

To say that the central part of why racers race is a low self esteem is not doing their personality justice.
The concept of the A/B personality type is just not sufficient enough.
But it is for sure that racers share more characteristics with the “˜A type’ than with the “˜B type’.
To give you one example why a sportsman can’t by a full “˜A type’:
Sportsman need to be able to rest and relax which is a real challenge for a true “˜Type A’ personality.

Morgan Hunter March 29, 2008 at 11:27 am


(:-))))) – You won’t trick me into “profiling” any racers………..The comment about racers being Type A’S was said in complete jest. BUT YOU DIDN’T take my “rumor” very seriously either……….what? don’t you want to “know” if the astronauts are “juicers?”….(:-)))))

As to the psychological breakdown you present – this is also my “forte” – No offense intended, but I think you may be “oversimplifying” a much more complex “persona-type” – I think for general consumption. Although, I can agree with you that “some” athletes are trying to “rebuild their self image” – I do not think that this could be a “definitive” – motivation for “most” of them. But as you say – this is not the place for that discussion….Still – in all seriousness – adulation is nothing but a form of being loved and I believe that we are all guilty of this need, No?

Still what part of my “rumor” did you not believe? – I swear – I heard it from a little mouse – he has never lied to me before…? Would I make up such a story?

Go Marianne Vos !!!

karuna March 29, 2008 at 1:11 pm


I don’t want to know if astronauts are juicers??? I don’t need to know.

I know they are!!! They must be juiced!

They think they float in space!! 🙂

–I do not think that this could be a “definitive” – motivation for “most” of them–
I agree. Or maybe I don’t, hihi,
Okay we would go there.

–adulation is nothing but a form of being loved and I believe that we are all guilty of this need—
Who? Me???

Okay, GUILTY 🙂

karuna March 29, 2008 at 1:12 pm

Sorry, I meant:

We WON”T go there.

Morgan Hunter March 29, 2008 at 3:11 pm

You know folks, the one “major player” that I have found that we seldom “discuss” even though his name seems to crop up a lot is HEIN VERBRUGGEN.

If one looks into Heinies’ (like in posterior) past actions – one is struck by this persons ability to act very aggressively and mostly – behind the scenes. In fact ol’ Heinie seems to have a powerful allergy to the media himself…

I wonder if any one is reminded of the old Chinese practice of the leader staying in the shadows and the public face of him is usually represented by a “loyal lackey”
……..ah…….does this remind anyone else of similarity with what seems to be going on in the world of cycling?

I think it would be a really important piece of work, to “get to know” Heine – we should find it interesting that the most recent comment that was quoted concerning the “UCI vs DICK POUND” —– in which “patie” states the following —–

“Pound was highly critical of Verbruggen and the UCI for not taking stronger action to solve the sport’s doping problems. A WADA statement made it clear that this legal action was the basis of its decision.”

…….So let me get this straight – “patie” is telling us that WADA is actually going to court to keep the “good name” of old “Heinie” and oh yeah – the UCI too……

I know….its all the time I’ve spent following this story….it is turning me into a suspicious, jaundiced eyed, old skeptic…..

You know what Rant – I think I am seeing a pattern here. It’s driving me crazy – it feels like I don’t have all the parts….or it could be, just my medication wearing off……, where did I put them?

Karuna – hahahaha….hihihihi – (:-))))

William Schart March 29, 2008 at 5:16 pm


I suspect that your reference to type A personalities with regard to top athletes, which perhaps you made with tongue somewhat planted in check, is in fact close to the truth.

In a book I read this past summer “This is Your Brain on Music”, a neurological and psychological look at how music affects us and vice versa. the author brings out the idea that, in order to truly master a given field, one must put in 10,000 hours of practice. He mentions athletes, like Michael Jordan as well as musicians as examples of this.

Who is going to put in this level of effort? Most of us will not, and while lack of ability might play a part, I think maybe desire plays a big role here. Desire, and the willingness to do whatever it takes to succeed. And yes, for some, “whatever it takes” may include PED use (or other forms of cheating).

And this is perhaps why some top athletes can, at times, be a$$holes – it’s that type A personality coming out.

Morgan Hunter March 30, 2008 at 12:54 am


That was a fascinating read – wasn’t it…The human mind is the most “unexplored” territory that we carry within us…not to mention the fact that it creates for us a “perception” of the “reality” we go around “experiencing.”

The reason I took off on the Type A personality was that while there is a great deal of character traits in a type A that all athletes have – the comparison completely breaks down because of how the Type A personality is designated – their “problem” is that they are inhibited to reacting to the stress events in their lives – one way or another, and this is the reason that is generally given why they all wind up croaking from “conflict related” diseases, like heart attacks and strokes, etc,…..

We all have “traits” William – we are in fact a “construction of traits” – so my tongue in cheek was a playful attempt at ridiculing “labeling” – which is a habit we get into completely on an unconscious level, we tend to do this type of activity because, it suits our world view – but it is a “habit” – because it is really only an externalized picture of the battle between logic and creativity. This “conflict of control” takes place – “naturally” – in all human beings…

The simplest way I have come to discussing this point is this. we all have left and right hemispheres – brain halves – these halves have been “designated” as the left being primarily the “logic” oriented half and the right as primarily the “creative.” In my opinion these designations are “true” only as an “inexpedient” means” to discussing the problem we have “built into ourselves.”

It is much easier to see this point if you think of it more like, “LOGIC” is like having a wonderfully fantastic able part of your – thinking function that “organizes” every bit of “life” that you have lived….BUT – it is an “absolute moron” when it comes to creativity…in fact logic is terrified of creativity, because it is “unknown” and “logics’ job,” the very “reason” for its existence is the handling of all that is known.

On the other hand, we all have a “right side” that is the domain of pure “CREATIVITY” – a half – that by its functioning nature, exists only in a “boundless” space, that – “follows no apparent logical rules and has no respect for boarders.” This half of our brain can be also referred to as the residence of our individual Muse.

Now here is the really interesting thing. When put together, Logic and Creativity are actually inseparable parts of a whole – but in the human psyche, we first “become aware” of both being in “existence” through the “conflict” that this puts us in.

Now – remember that BOTH are essential and needed – one cannot really fulfill itself WITHOUT THE OTHER – the learning process of self awareness begins with this conflict in humans. In the majority of people the logical side of them “takes dominance” of awareness and for all practical purposes, shuts “creativity” away, as if it is a captive stuck somewhere in a deep dark hole that seldom is visited by light.

Fortunately for us – this process does not ALWAYS proceed in this manner. When this occurs – the majority “recognizes” this differently developed individual by the designation, usually of “genius.” I make no attempt to simplify what a “genius” is or may be – rather I am using this designation to “point at it.” You see William, when logic and creativity become a “willing” merger of one – the result is “perceived” as extraordinary. This naturally points to the fact that EVERY human being, who has the “two halves” of the brain in functioning order, therefore has the ability to reach a state of “genius” – because what was two is effortlessly merged back to wholeness.

But this whole thing gets a little “beyond the beyond” because we find that this merger of the two halves CAN OCCUR even in the people who have a brain that has been injured and one side is none-functional or even “partially functional” – so the cosmic joke is – we can “designate” people with all kinds of labels – but we cannot truly see them clearly unless we ourselves fight for the willing merging of the the “two into a whole.” The amazing state of an individual who has fought the battle – in him/her self that allows LOGIC and CREATIVITY to become whole…we are pretty extraordinarily amazing – every one of us.

The thing to remember though is that this battle for unity in every human being “takes place” and progresses at the particular time of “existence” for that particular human being……(;-)))) and that is why there are “a$$holes” – which is a description of a particular place and time of that individuals battle for self unity…

Who ever the hell started the rumor that life could be a piece of cake – was fooling with us…..(;-))))))

Morgan Hunter March 30, 2008 at 3:14 am

Hey – here is a very INTERESTING READ – I think you will enjoy it.

Morgan Hunter March 30, 2008 at 3:15 am

Sorry – wrong address – (:-)))

Morgan Hunter March 30, 2008 at 3:19 am
Luc March 30, 2008 at 10:23 am

Morgan good article (the 3rd one),
What McQuaid is doing kind of reminds me of story a lawyer friend once told me. She was involved in prosecuting a case that later became known as ‘operation tip-off’. The police were after this criminal that was involved in drugs and he was a known gun toter. He was also in the habit of holstering the gun at the top of his jeans because it was easily concealed by his jacket and if need be, easily drawn. At the time of his bust he immediately reached for his gun but unfortunately pulled the trigger before he got it out of his pants. He didn’t put up much resistance after that.
Rant, I think there is certainly a little Shakespearean tragic-comedy going on. “Et tu Brute”

Rant March 30, 2008 at 5:36 pm

Interesting story. Thanks for the link.
Shakespearean tragic-comedy? In the sporting world? Me thinks it could be. 🙂
By the way, the case was known as Operation Tip-Off because the guy was really a snitch, right? 😉

karuna March 31, 2008 at 1:45 am

I wonder about content of the article Morgan linked to.

Is there a “˜Verbruggen move”?
Of course he is being realistic, but isn’t there a treat in there too?
Declaring defeat and stating that they will step aside for an institute formed by the ASO, isn’t that also a treat?

The UCI is not without cards. The dirty work like out-of-competition tests, upholding contact with national federations, sanctions etc is probably not something the ASO would like to do (or even can do).
It costs money and “˜the dirty work’ would easily get them out of the very convenient position of “˜the great organizers’ of great races.
The ASO is only interested in their races and the money it will generate, not in organizing the cycling world as a whole.
Prudhomme’s reaction could be put into frame and get a dominant place in a museum for hypocrisy. But doesn’t it also reflects a sense of that treat?

William Schart March 31, 2008 at 5:10 am

HOw much “dirty work” ASO would have to do is uncertain to me. OoC tests? They don’t need’em, all they need is some sort of suspicion. Using some version of the “six degrees of connection” theory, it would be possible to link just about anyone to either another rider, team or DS, etc. would doped, or is suspected of doping; giving ASO grounds to bar from their races. And that is their sanctioning. ASO makes its own rules, its ancestors did too. Remember that Henri Desgranges banned the use of derailleur gearing for years after it was in use elsewhere. You have a dispute with your team over pay? Tough, you’re on your own.

All ASO needs are venues for its races, implying cooperation of authorities, sponsors to provide funding, and enough riders to make a competitive event. Based on PN, they have this.

Morgan Hunter March 31, 2008 at 7:28 am

You are right William – BUT – THEN I WOULD BET THE “ISSUE” OF “can UCI sanctioned riders RACE – aso RACES….

karuna March 31, 2008 at 7:50 am

Great summary of the way the ASO works.

It might be so that with a second goverment body (ASO) the riders do not fall under the UCI anymore when they ride ASO races. So it’s up to the ASO to do the sanctioning.
Part of what I call ‘the dirty work’.

Michael March 31, 2008 at 9:31 am

Does all this mean that the UCI is divorced from WADA? WhooHoo!! Maybe McQuaid isn’t as incompetant as I thought. Nah. . .perhaps just a case of unintended consequences?

And what about those out-of-competition tests? If WADA says they won’t do it, and ASO can’t do it, then who is going to do it? ASO can’t ensure anyone arrives at their races clean without the UCI. Maybe testing at the door is good enough for them? Things are getting interesting.

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